Friday, January 21, 2011

Slides for Preserver


  1. slide 1 : Good afternoon!=) we are from si ling secondary school, i am Zhihua, she is our team leader Huang Yan, she is Aqilah, he is Fayuan and he Fitri. We are here to present our unpowered glider.
    slide 2: As you can see from the pictures, ther are two gliers, the one with the lighter weigt is modify from the one with the heavier weight. Our senior had used it to participate last year's competition, and we realised that we can make improvement from it. However u can see we had made a improvement by reducing the weight of the glider. This is because from the lift calculation we know that the lighter weight will make it fly further.

  2. Slide 6: There are also airfoil shape in our glider's wing. As the airfoil shape will cause the pressure above the wing become lower and the air pressure below is higher. Hence it creats more lift.
    Slide 7: These are the materials we used to make our glider, we chose the lighter matrials we also reduced the size of materials that we used. There the weight of our glider had reduced about 65%.
    Slide 8: These are some of our making process photos.
    Slide 9: THANK YOU!!

  3. how about Slide 3-5? is that just explaining?

  4. How about this?[for Slide 7] :Compare to the last version, we use better material such as 3mm carbon rod to make body and 2mm carbon rod to make the wing, and we also used balsa wood which is very light. Finally, the weight of the glider reduced by 65% thus it can fly further and longer.
