Swept-forward wings is the best wing to move forward as a forward-swept wing is a configuration in which the quarter-chord line of the wing has a forward sweep
Swept-forward wings
Mounting the wings further back on the fuselage, allowing for an unobstructed cabin or bomb bay, as the root of the wingbox will be located further aft, and
Increased maneuverability, due to airflow from wing tip to wing root preventing a stall of the wing tips and ailerons at high angle of attack. Instead, stall will rather occur in the region of the wing root on a forward-swept wing.
Possible drawbacks of a forward-swept wing include
When using a conventional metal construction: A reduced divergence speed or, in order to avoid this, an increased wing weight, as wing stiffness needs to be increased. a forward sweep.
Increased maneuverability, due to airflow from wing tip to wing root preventing a stall of the wing tips and ailerons at high angle of attack. Instead, stall will rather occur in the region of the wing root on a forward-swept wing.
Possible drawbacks of a forward-swept wing include
When using a conventional metal construction: A reduced divergence speed or, in order to avoid this, an increased wing weight, as wing stiffness needs to be increased. a forward sweep.
Swept-forward wings are used to allow for the lifting area of the wing to move forward while keeping the mounting point aft of the cockpit. This wing configuration allow small changes in center of gravity hence allowing some position adjustment of the lanch attach on the glider